Postcards From Paradise

Wish You Were Here
The first full day of photography has come to a close. After 12 hours in the field we can finally take some rest. It rained on us, the wind blew a bit, and the sun even shined on us a few times. Through it all we kept the shutters blazing and the film burning and pixels popping, we could not have asked for better conditions.

Tunnel View Morning
The rain that fell today was not substantial, more actually fell over night and we awoke to a wonderland of saturated color. The day started out somewhat dull at Tunnel View, and when we arrived about half an hour before sunrise there were few people there. Within three or four clicks of our shutters, suddenly the place was overrun by nearly 50, yes 50 photographers! It was getting a bit crowded and since the sun had risen and the light difficult to capture, we decided to move on to the color before everyone else did. That was a good move.

We worked here until our stomachs said “feed me” so we took a break to power up and then we continued on our search for color which took us into the Ansel Adams gallery first. There we looked at some amazing photography from Ansel Adams as well as some stunning work by others, the most impressive of which came from photographer Charles Cramer.
We then made our move into the El Capitan Meadow where the sun played hide and seek with us and won, as we could catch its rays to our satisfaction.
Moving on we found ourselves working along the Merced River where we not only found some amazing color among the Dogwoods, but they were showered in the sweetest warm light that just rendered the trees into something that I can only describe as delectable.

Sugar Coated for your Eyes
We worked there until we could no longer see through the camera viewfinder and headed back into the valley. As we approached our lodge, we saw the slightest hint of twilight still dancing in among the the clouds and decided it was worth the effort to make one more photo. I am glad we did. The camera can sometimes see much better than we can.

Last Dance
So for another night, I bid you good night and Wish You Were Here!