At times, as we move through life, we fail to see where we came from and where we are going. Days pass in to months and months into years as the continuum of time plays itself out. And even though time slips by almost undetected in the hustle of modern life, we can find hints of it in the under story of the forest deep In the ravines along the creek beds. From the luxuriant green ferns, to the knurly roots that protrude out from the earth to the fallen leaves beckoning the return to the soil and in the cracked stony earth itself the flow of life comes together. As subtle as it may seem, we too follow the same continuum as we move from our youth, to strength and knowledge, followed by aging and finally dust. When we focus to narrowly on our present state, we fail to see the beauty of life as a whole. Only when we can step back and observe the continuum in its entirety, do we see its grandeur and the greatness of the One who makes it flow.