Slowing Down
We live in a world that moves so fast that we can hardly keep up with it. From computing to cooking dinner, we are always in a rush. And landscape photographers are no exception. We can't seem to photograph fast enough as we move from one location to the next snapping away portraits of Mother Earth. However, sometimes Mom says enough! Just as you get ready to snap her picture again, she starts to huff and puff and send everything swaying in her breeze. And if what you want of her is a still field of flowers, as in this case of tidy tips on the Carrizo Plain, then you might as well just sit down for a good long visit with Mom, because she is not going to let you go anytime soon. It's almost as if she is telling us to just slow down, stop and visit with me for a while, asking how are you and the kids? Then, just when you get comfortable sitting there, she lets you have that picture of her. Thanks Mom...I'll slow down, its a lot less hectic...what was I thinking?