Reflections abound in our world. No matter where we look we see reflections. The light that that reaches our eyes is merely a reflection, in and of itself, of objects that exist in the world. In fact light, pure light, is invisible to our eyes. There is light streaming between you and this photo right now as you read this that you cannot see. Light only becomes visible to our eyes after it has interacted with creation. In pure light we are blind and in the absence of light we are blind as well. That reflected light is really nothing more than shade - a mixture of pure light and darkness, and it is only in the shade that we can see. It is in these reflections that we can see all the various shades of color and luminosities. It is in the shade that we can start to understand the world we live in. And while I am not sure yet as to what the photograph that graces this post means, I do know that the moments that occurred that evening when this photograph was made followed a downpour that followed a clap of thunder that followed a brisk cold wind on a gray and dreary day. And afterwards it was as calm as can be and full of Light. I have more reflecting to do.
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