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Spring 2004 Newsletter
Dear Friends, Supporters and Patrons of Organic Light,


Spring is upon us! The Earth is coming back to life. The hills sooth the eyes with luxurious carpets of green grasses and with the pastel splashes of yellow, lavender and orange as the wildflowers start to bloom as well. Warm days, cool evenings and the gentle clouds of spring rains mix with the blues skies call us to come out and play.

What a wonderful time Spring is. Reminding us of our youth with the suppleness of tender new growth and the happy sight of the flowers is always pleasing. But more than that, if we can find the time to take a walk in the local hills and breathe the fresh air, we will undoubtedly be pleased by the sights and aromas that fill the spring hills. What amazes me most about spring, I think, are the flowers. These little drops of intense color and aroma just send a message of joy and love that can be seen even in just one blossom. It is as if they bloom just to say "Hey look at me, I am here, making the world a better place!" And I think that is why they bloom in the spring. They come out to make the world a better place, reinvigorating us to do the same.

Last week I was out in the local hills for an afternoon walk and this single yellow mountain daisy was dancing in the wind and the aroma of a nearby yerba buena filled the air. I thought to myself, how grand these plants are all they do is brighten my eyes and tantalize my nose and make the world a better place. I made a promise to myself that afternoon that I would try as well this spring, to make the world a better place. In fact, I invite all of you to make that promise as well. In a time when the inhabitants of our little planet are at each other's throats, it behooves us to make an effort to bring about peace in the world. If all the different types of plants, trees and flowers can coexist in harmony to make the world a more beautiful place in spring, why can't we?


So in my small effort to make the world more beautiful, I have made available to you some FREE Organic Light! New on my website are two FREE desktop wallpapers and a new monitor Screen Saver. The demo version of the Screen Saver is FREE as well which includes 4 amazing Organic Light Images, and if you choose to Register your copy, you will get a password to unlock 16 more beautiful Organic Light Images. So please visit the Screensaver Page and download your FREE Organic Light today.


In other news, there are several new images that you will want to see and possibly order to hang your home or office. You might notice that the aspect ratio of these new images is a little square as compared to some of the other images on the site. Well, they are! With the world of photography changing quicker than we can keep up and the quality of digital photography now surpassing that of film, I decided to take a step back and re-examine what photography means to me.

In fact I took a very large step back, about 150 years back, and decided that instead of riding the new wave of digital image capture, I would go back to the roots of photography and photograph the world with a view camera. The view camera has remained for the most part unchanged since its introduction more than 150 years ago. It uses a large sheet of film measuring from 4 inches by 5 inches to as large as 16 inches by 20 inches. The detail and resolution captured by a sheet of film that size is unsurpassed. The view camera also is incredibly versatile by providing special movements of the lens and the film plane that allow compositions that would be impossible with a regular hand held modern camera. I am excited and after seeing some of the new images taken with this camera I think you will be as well. Take some time and visit the New Images page at News for the latest.


This years' show and exhibit schedule is shaping up quite nicely. Several new shows have been added to my list of venues and I am eager to get out there and meet new faces and share my work with you all. Visit the show schedule page at Shows and check out a show that is coming to a town near you. I hope to see you there!


Operating Organic Light Photography is time and capital intensive. It survives by you; my Patrons, Supporters and Friends. I am grateful that you have in the past helped Organic Light Photography with your purchase of one of my Fine Art Archival Prints or digital image for publishing or web use. My request is that you pass on this email to someone whom you think will appreciate Organic Light and would like to brighten their lives, homes, offices, or publication with some Organic Light. Your continued support and patronage is what keeps Organic Light Photography a viable source of beauty and inspiration.

I thank you for your continued support.

Peace to you all!

Youssef Ismail
Organic Light Photography
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